Sunday, April 30, 2006

Igniting Your Spiritual Passion

It was 2am. I was walking along the quiet streets, thinking about what my cell group leader said to me the day before in cell group, "Why do look so tired? You are not as focused in worshipping God as before. You are right in saying that promotion comes from the Lord. If God can promote you, he can also demote you. Do not take cell group meetings like a routine, or you will not be able to enjoy the presence of God."

Those words hit straight into my heart. I wasn't defensive. I wasn't finding excuses. I just felt that I had hurt the One who love me the most. Right then I made a decision that I will focus all my heart, all my soul, all my strength in the future when I'm worshipping the Lord.

Where was the passion I had when I just received Christ into my heart? Where did all the fire go? I used to attend multiple services, listened to sermons from anointed preachers, read spiritual books, inviting all my friends to services, worshipped and praised God in my quiet time. Was I burned out? Had my passion for God died?

I began to be angry and frustrated with myself. I was dissatisfied with my walk with God. I need a closer relationship with the Holy Spirit. God promised to speak strongly into my life. I want to hear His voice.

Then I said, "God! I do not want to be weary serving You. I need a fresh touch and anointing! I want to be more on fire for you!"

Suddenly, I felt the presence of the Holy Spirit all over me. I was in the open, in the streets. I knew God was there with me.

Few hours later, I woke up and rushed down for service. I slept rather late. Pastor Mark preached a strong and impactful message about "Igniting Your Spiritual Passion". In my heart was like: "Wow this is what I prayed for the night before! This is what I need!"

At the altar call, Pastor Mark invited everyone who needed to renew their spiritual passion to raise their hands and get prayed for. I was rather afraid initially, but then I thought again, is my own reputation more important or God's anointing?

I raised my hand high up. The people around me began to lay hands and pray for me. At the moment, the anointing of the Holy Spirit began to flow down from my head and touched my entire being. I began to shake and weep. I felt so loved by God.

From now on, I will guard my heart. I will not let the devil steal this passion from me away. I will continue to burn on with a holy fire. Amen!

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